Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Chamba Chamba, HP

The Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Chamba is located at Saru, 12 Km short of historical Chamba town on Pathankot- Chamba highway. Established in March 1991 and became functional in March 1992, it is the first KVK of Dr. Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Solan, Himachal Pradesh. Chamba District is located on the leap of western Himalaya (Longitude: 75° 45' N and 77° 33' E; Latitude: 32° 10' N and 33° 13' E; Altitude: 645- 6776 m amsl). The abruptness of slopes and narrowness of ravines are characteristic features of the topography of the district.

The climate of district is semi- tropical to temperate. The temperature ranges from <0° C in winters in some parts to 40° C in other parts of the district. An annual rainfall varies from 1400- 1700 mm, mostly during monsoon. Snowfall is a regular feature at higher elevations during November to February. The soil is generally clay or clay loam with or without gravel. In Pangi region, soil is more or less loam to clay loam with gravel. With some exceptions, most of the tracts are fairly fertile having deep and well drained soil.

The KVK organizes its activities in all six sub- divisions of the district viz; Chamba, Churah, Bhatiyat, Dalhousie, Bharmour and Pangi and seven development blocks viz; Chamba, Mehla, Bhatiyat, Tissa, Salooni and tribal blocks of Bharmour and Pangi.


Single Window Agricultural Knowledge, Resource and Capacity Development Centre (One stop solution)
  • Assessment and demonstration of agricultural technologies on the farmers’ field for their application and feedback.
  • Capacity development through skilling and training of farmers, farm women, youth and extension functionaries.
  • Act as an information and knowledge centre for providing diagnostic and farm advisories to farmers and other stakeholders.
  • Production of quality seeds, planting materials and other technological inputs for availability to the farmers.
  • Develop convergence and partnership with agriculture related ongoing schemes and programs of different departments and organizations on national priorities.
  • Awareness creation and community mobilization on various issues related to agriculture & allied sectors through innovative extension activities including use of ICT and other media.


  • Modern laboratory facilities for analysis of soil pH, macro and micronutrients.
  • Three research farms for conducting various trials and developing different demonstration units (apple block, peach block, natural farming block, mushroom unit, vermi composting unit etc.)
  • Training hall for organising on campus trainings.
  • Farmers’ hostel for boarding and lodging of farmers coming from different areas of the district.


Thrust Areas

  • To demonstrate, assess and refine the recommended technologies of agriculture, horticulture, and forestry crops in different agro climatic regions of the district.
  • To survey the diseases and pest population in the district on different crops for forewarning and timely control.
  • National Innovations on Climate Resilient. Agriculture funded by CRIDA-ICAR.
  • Expansion of Activities of Biotech- Kisan Hub in two Aspirational Districts (Moga & Ferozpur) of Punjab and one Aspirational district (Chamba) of Himachal Pradesh funded by Dept of Biotechnology.
  • District Agro Meteorological Unit (DAMU) funded by GKMS,IMD, Ministry of Earth Science.
  • Parmpargat Krishi Vikas Yojna funded by ICAR.
  • Popularization of modern bee keeping technology & introduction of mud bee hive technology funded by NABARD, Shimla.
  • Preparation of Biodiversity Register (PBR) of 10 panchayats of Bhatiyat block of Chamba district funded by HP State Biodiversity Board, Shimla.
  • Popularization of Kharif onion crop in Chamba district funded by ICAR.
  • Establishment of functional foods & R& D centre and dissemination of the developed technology for the livelihood, nutritional security and entrepreneurship of farm women of HP funded by Ministry of Environ & Forest, New Delhi.
  • Introduction and demonstration of Azolla Cultivation at KVK Chamba funded by ATMA.
  • Cluster Frontline demonstration of Oil seed and Pulses in Chamba funded by ICAR.
  • Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan funded by ICAR.
  • Establishment of Bud wood Bank of Apple at KVK Chamba funded by World Bank.
  • National Project on TSP funded by ICAR.
  • Up scaling of Natural Farming through KVKs funded by ICAR.
  • Livelihood upliftment of Tribal people through skill development funded by TSP.
  • Preparation of people biodiversity register of 15 panchayats of District Chamba Biodiversity funded by State Biodiversity board HP (Principal Investigator).
  • Tribal sub plan (State) funded by Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute.
  • 37 technologies on different fruit crops, vegetables, mushroom, fodder crops and medicinal and aromatic plants have been assessed and refined.
  • 64 technologies have been demonstrated as front line in different agro climatic conditions in 1042 farmers’ field.
  • 10 cluster front line demonstrations have been conducted in 636 farmers fields on oil seed and pulses.


To disseminate the recent technologies and to train farmers, farm women, rural youth, School dropouts, Self help groups, NGOs other organisations working for the benefit of farmers.


  • This KVK has conducted 405 numbers of trainings (on campus and off campus) for 9695 number of farmers.
  • 68 number of exposure visits had been organized by the KVK for farmers and students.
  • This KVK has given 9 skill development trainings to 217 number of farmer/ school dropouts.
  • 9 numbers of Kisan Melas has been organized in which more than 694 farmers participated.
  • The scientists have delivered 15 Radio/Television talks focussing on major problems faced by the farmers of the District.
  • KVK has organized 16 Kisan Goshties in which 927 farmers participated.


  • KVK Chamba is felicitated with best NICRA KVK award in the year 2019.
  • KVK Chamba has obtained first rank in 112 aspirational districts of India in Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan-I and Third Rank in Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan-II.


  • Infrastructure
    • Administrative building
    • Farmers hostel
    • Training hall
    • Museum
    • Soil Testing Lab
    • Automatic weather station
    • Threshing floor
  • Demonstrations
    • IFS Model
    • High density Apple plants on Rootstocks
    • Kiwi plant orchard
    • Green houses
    • Vermi composting unit
    • Herbal garden
    • Mushroom Unit
    • Apiary
    • Fruit crop nursery
    • Fruit plant orchards(Peach, Pomegranate, Guava)
    • Seasonal vegetables, Cereals, oilseeds, pulses and fodder grass.
  • Services
    • Trainings
    • Fruit plants on sale
    • Literature
    • Advisory services