College of Horticulture and Forestry,Neri Neri,Hamirpur,(HP)

Organization & Governance

Besides implementing the educational programmes in the college, the Dean also coordinates with the Director of Research, Director of Extension Education and other Statutory Officers of the University in conducting the undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, student research and other activities related to students in the best interest of the University. The Dean is assisted by his office comprising one Section Officer and a team of administrative staff, Heads/Incharges of the Departments (HODs) and other faculty members of the college. There are following thirteen departments in the college of Horticulture and Forestry:

  • Basic Sciences
  • Biotechnology
  • Entomology
  • Fruit Science
  • Plant Pathology
  • Silviculture and Agro-forestry
  • Social Sciences
  • Soil Science and Water Management
  • Tree Improvement and Genetic Resources
  • Vegetable Science

The senior-most professor/associate professor of the department is designated as its Head/Incharge who coordinates teaching, research and extension activities relating to his/her department. Besides the HODs and Statutory Officers, the Dean is also guided/ supported by various Statutory bodies of the College/ University such as the Board of Studies, Resident Instructions Committee, Academic Council, Board of Management and the Senate in matters related to general administration and conduct of educational programmes in the college.

Board of Studies

The Board of Studies is constituted in accordance with Section 18 of the University Act and the Dean, College of Horticulture and Forestry is the Chairman of Board of Studies of the College. In the absence of Dean, the senior-most HOD in the college acts as the chairman. The Secretary of the Board of Studies is appointed for a period of two years by the Dean from amongst the Professors and Associate Professors who assists the Chairman. The duties of Board of Studies are as follows:

  • Propose courses of study for various programmes of instruction.
  • Determine curricula of different programmes of study.
  • Suggest measures to improve standard of teaching and for student assessment.
  • Suggest changes in academic regulations regarding admissions, instructions and continuance and examination of students in the college.

Resident Instructions Committee

The Resident Instructions Committee has duties to review decisions of the Board of Studies of the colleges in matters related to academics before submitting them for consideration by the Academic Council. The senior-most Dean chairs this Committee while the other Dean and two Professors from each college are the members.

Academic Council

The Academic Council is the highest body of the University in academic matters and works under the chairmanship of the Vice Chancellor. The Dean, College of Horticulture and Forestry, two senior Professors and an eminent scientist from outside the university are members of this Council from horticulture side. This body has the overall control over teaching and other educational programmes of the University.

Board of Management

The Board of Management is the highest governing body of the University that controls the overall functioning of the University and the Deans of the colleges become member of this body for two years in rotation, and thus have a say in the functioning of the University.