Notifications Archival
- Invigilation duty list for End Term Examination of 1st Semester of Academic Session 2024-2025.pdf
- Notification 09.12.2024 regarding UHF New Year Calendar-2025.pdf
- Notice dated 05.12.2024 Admission Notice and Prospectus for admission to Doctoral programmes for the Academic Session 2024-25..pdf
- Regarding notification for MS Swaminathan Chair and Norman Borlaug Chair under ICAR National Professors scheme.pdf
- Auction notice of paper cutting, aluminium plates and newspapers.pdf
- Auction notice of photostat shop in the College of Horticulture and Forestry Neri..pdf
- Auction notice of college Canteen in the College of Horticulture and Forestry Neri..pdf
- Final List of Gold Medalists, Certificate of Merit and total Degree recipients for the 13th Convocation.pdf
- Notice dated 23.11.2024 regarding details of graduates who will be awarded Degree and Certificate of merit during 13th Convocation of the University.pdf
- Office order dated 22.11.2024 regarding waiving of recoveries..pdf
- Introduction of GPAIS for regular, Adhoc, Part-time, contractual and daily waged employees of the University.pdf
- Support to Start-up by National Fertilizers Limited.pdf
- Adoption of Office Memorandum dated 15.10. 2024 regarding revision of emoluments of ICAR project staff..pdf
- Notification dated 22.11.2024 regarding revised Ambulance charges.jpg
- Notice dated 20.11.2024 regarding 13th Convocation of the University.pdf
- Dress code for 13th Convocation of the University.pdf
- Notice dated 19 Nov 2024 regarding accommodation for all the interested degree recipients who intend to attend 13th Convocation of the University..pdf
- Application for filling-up the temporary post of Research Assistant at COHF, Thunag.pdf
- List of Gold Medalists, Certificate of Merit and total Degree recipients for the 13th Convocation.pdf
- Notice Regarding 13th Convocation of the University.pdf
- Notification dated 14.11.2024 regarding approved user charges of lab tests as Combo Pack for University Health Centre.jpg
- Invitation of participation for IIRS-ISRO Outreach programme.pdf
- Notification dated 26.10.2024 regarding release of wageshonorariumrenumeration on 28th October 2024 on the auspicious occasion of Diwali.pdf
- Notification dated 24.10.2024 regarding Dearness Allowance rates in respect of NPS subscribing employees of the University.pdf
- Notification dated 24.10.2024 regarding release of wageshonorariumrenumeration of the different section of workers on 28th October 2024 on the auspicious occasion of Diwali.pdf
- Notification dated 22.10.2024 regarding enhanced Dearness Allowance in respect of employees of the University.pdf
- Notification dated 22.10.2024 regarding enhanced Dearness Relief in respect of PensionerFamily Pensioners of the University.pdf
- Office order dated 18.10.2024 regarding appointment of Hostel Warden in Saraswati Hostel.pdf
- Notification dated 18.10.2024 regarding Fee to be charged for the verfication of Academic Records.pdf
- Sixth International Agronomy Congress (IAC) to held on 24-26 November 2025.pdf
- Corrigendum dated 14.10.2024 regarding rate contract circulated on 01.07.2024.jpg
- Regarding judgement of Hon'ble Supreme Court of India on implementation of Suo-motu disclosure under section 4 of the RTI Act, 2005..pdf
- Office order dated 21.05.2024 regarding revised rate of water charges..jpg
- Circular dated 20052024 inviting applications for the appointment of Warden among TeachersScientists..pdf
- Placement Brochure (2022-24).pdf
- Auction of Litchi and Mango orchard at RHR&TS, Dhaulakuan..pdf
- Revised Auction notice dated 03.05.2024 regarding lichi and mango plants.pdf
- Circular regarding availability of processed HONEY for sale to general public in the Department of Entomology, COH.pdf
- Notice Regarding Postponement of the 13th Convocation..pdf
- Notice for the 13th Convocation of the University..pdf
- Operation of Budget for the Financial Year 2024-2025.pdf
- Important Notice Regarding 13th Convocation and Conferment of Puran Anand Adlakha Gold Medal for All Round Best Graduate.pdf
- Notification dated 16.03.2024 regarding revision of rates of wages of daily wage workers..pdf
- Notification dated 20.03.2024 regarding postponement of Auction Date..pdf
- Revision of rates of wages of daily wage workers.pdf
- Notification regarding approval for outsourcing unskilled of mandays for the year 2024-2025.pdf
- Notification dated 15032024 regarding recommendations of Finance committee for pay renumeration per lecture.pdf
- Notification dated 15032024 regarding recommendations of Finance committee to enhance honorarium to the paper setters.pdf
- Notification regarding Scheme of National Overseas Scholarship.pdf
- Notification dated 11.03.2024 regarding recommendations of 120th Finance Committee Meeting.pdf
- Invigilation duty list for Mid-Term Examination of 2nd Semester 2023-24 (COF).pdf
- Auction notice dated 12.03.2024 for unserviceable StoreStock Articles..pdf
- Office order dated 05.03.2024 regarding clearance of bills..jpg
- Notification dated 01.03.2024 regarding Judgement of Hon'ble Supreme Court of India on implementation of Suo-motu disclosure under section 4 of the RTI Act,2005..pdf
- Regarding judgement of Hon'ble Supreme Court of India on implementation of Suo-motu disclosure under section 4 of the RTI Act,2005..pdf
- ICAR invites Applications for the Indian as well as overseas national having Master's Degree in Agriculture and allied Sciences for the Netaji Subhas- ICAR international Fellowship.jpg
- Notification regarding Alumni Meet 2024.pdf
- Notification dated 13-02-2024 regarding postponement of Auction of unserviceable articles of University Health Centre..pdf
- Auction notice dated 08.02.2024 regarding unserviceable StoreStock Articles..pdf
- Office Order dated 09.02.2024 regarding activity Charges in Alumni Engagement Center.pdf
- Office order dated 27.01.2024 regarding YSPUHF Alumni corpus fund Advisory committee..pdf
- Circular dated 27.01.2024 regarding YSPUHF Alumni corpus fund.pdf
- Notification Regarding judgement of Hon'ble Supreme Court of India on implementation of suo-motu disclosure under section 4 of the RTI Act, 2005..pdf
- Notification dated 20.01.2023 regarding Dr. BB Lal Kaushal Best PhD Thesis Award..pdf
- Notification dated 20.01.2024 regarding constituted Standing Committee for the Condemnation and recommending disposal of Unserviceable StoreStock articles..pdf
- Notification dated 10.01.2024 regarding approved hiring charges of Kisan Bus..pdf
- RatesCharges for stay in Kaushal Vikas Chhatravas.pdf
- Notice regarding Admit Cards for entrance test for admission to Doctoral Programmes.pdf
- ICAR Winter School on Agroforestry A Potential Approach to Mitigate Climate Changes.pdf
- National Conference on Innovative Technologies and Entrepreneurship Development in Agriculture.pdf
- Notification dated 15122023 regarding delegation of financial powers and revision of economy instructions -Travel by Air.pdf
- Notification regarding user chargesrates of Boxing Ring at main Campus Nauni (Solan).pdf
- Notification dated 02.12.2023 regarding nomination of Member of the Academic Council..pdf
- Notification dated 22.11.2023 regarding fixation of emoluments, terms and conditions of retirees engaged in university..pdf
- Office order dated 20-11-2023 regarding Introduction of Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme for employees of the University.pdf
- Notification regarding grant of Secretariat Pay in lieu of Secretariat Allowance in favour of the petitioner Sh. Vijay Kumar Sharma & others.pdf
- Notification dated 20.11.2023 regarding Group Personal Accidental Insurance Scheme..pdf
- Proforma for “Dr MR Thakur Memorial Scientist Award for Outstanding Contribution in Teaching and Research”.pdf
- Notification regarding ICAR NAHEP Sponsored 10 Days Faculty Development Programme in the Dr YS Parmar UHF College of Horticulture and Forestry Neri, Hamirpur.pdf
- Notification dated 11.10.2023 regarding revision of stay charges in various Guest House.pdf
- Notification dated 30.09.2023 regarding grant of Secretariat Pay in lieu of Secretariat Allowance..pdf
- Notification dated 19.09.2023 regarding post of Laboratory Attendant.pdf
- Office order dated 11.09.2023 regarding Spot purchase Committee.pdf
- Notification dated 06.09.2023 regarding auction of unserviceable storestock articles..pdf
- Notification dated 05092023 regarding Travelling Allowance Rules-submission of Boarding Pass along with TA Bill..pdf
- Office order dated 08092023 regarding guidelines for submitting bills for issuing cheques..pdf
- Notification of One year Post graduation Diploma in Agricultural Extension Management.pdf
- Notice dated 30.08.2023 regarding approved decision to empower Incharge (Students' Welfare) with the Financial Powers.pdf
- Notification dated 26.08.2023 regarding sanction on maintenance, running charges , repairs and maintenance of parts of vehicle..pdf
- Auction Notice dated 18062024 regarding auction of unserviceable storestock articles of University Health Centre.pdf
- Empanelment Notice for Patent Agents.pdf
- Office order dated 07062024 regarding appointment of Hostel Warden at Gauri Hostel.pdf
- Admission Notice dated 11.07.2023 regarding one year Diploma in Fruit & Vegetable Processing
- Notification regarding constituted Internal complaints committee of college of Horticulture & Forestry, Thunag
- Notification dated 12.07.2023 regarding Secretariat Pay
- Applications are invited for admission to three months Vocational course on Wine Technology
- Office circular dated 01.08.2023 regarding sale of milk
- Notification dated 31.07.2023 regarding leave encashment
- Notification dated 31.07.2023 regarding Hotel tariff HP
- Notice regarding last date for submission of application form for admission to one year diploma in Fruit & Vegetable and bakery Products & its Counselling
- Notification dated 10.08.2023 regarding Memorandum No. Fin(C)B(15)-11/22 for counting of Notional Pay
- Officer circular regarding sale of coupons for sale of milk
- Notification dated 21.08.2023 regarding order for grant of Secretariat pay
- Notification dated 21.08.2023 regarding R&P rules for the post of Draughtsman
- Office order dated 24.08.2023 regarding appointment of Hostel Wardens
- Notification dated 24.08.2023 regarding approved sale rates of Anardana and Brahmi Syrup.
- Notification dated 25.08.2023 regarding House Building Advance
- Notification dated 25.08.2023 regarding ratified decisions of 115th Meeting
- Notifications dated 25.08.2023 regarding various Posts modification done in 115th Meeting of BOM
- XVI Agricultural Science Congress & ASC Expo
- Important notice regarding three months Vocational course on Wine Technology.
- Notification dated 26.08.2023 regarding approved restoration of honorarium/remuneration