Department of Vegetable Science Nauni,Solan (HP)

The department of Vegetable Science was carved out of the erstwhile Department of Horticulture in the year 1976. It was one of the important departments of Agricultural complex at Solan under Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Palampur. Subsequently, in the year 1985 the department of Vegetable Science became a part of Dr YS Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Solan and placed under College of Horticulture. Vegetable crops being one of the major components of horticulture produce, the importance of this department is well understood. Himachal Pradesh is known for the production of off-season vegetables and seed production of temperate vegetables. The department has developed many varieties and hybrids of vegetables and is concentrating further in developing high yielding varieties resistant to biotic and abiotic stresses in different vegetable crops. Moreover, work on exotic, under-utilized vegetables and spice crops for domestic and export markets are also in progress. The department is pioneer in contributing the improved technology for cultivation of vegetables under protected cultivation, organic farming and major off-season vegetable crops. The mandate of the department is focused on teaching, research and extension education activities related to vegetable crops. The Centre of Advanced Faculty Training in Horticulture (Vegetables) was also sanctioned by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research during VIII plan to this department and which is still continuing.

Department has published more than 1200 research papers, 150 book chapters, 25 books and 200 technical bulletins in leading national and international journals. Department has generated valuable human resources for the country in the form of 264 MSc and 194 PhD students. Currently 73 students are enrolled in MSc and PhD degrees programme in this department.


  • Provide quality education to undergraduate and postgraduate students for human resource generation.
  • Undertake basic and applied research activities for developing strategies to enhance productivity of vegetable crops.
  • Dissemination of technical knowledge to the farmers through various training and skill development programmes.


  • Commercial vegetable nursery production.
  • Hybrid seed production facilities in the experimental farm.
  • Well equipped laboratory to carry out research work.
  • Different protected structures at experimental farm for off season vegetable production.
  • Well maintained experimental farm to carry out various research activities.


The Department offers degree programmes for

  • M.Sc. (Horticulture) Vegetable Science
  • M.Sc. (Horticulture) Plantation, Spices, Medicinal and Aromatic Crops
  • PhD. Vegetable Science
Click here for course details

Centre of Advanced Faculty Training in Horticulture (Vegetables):

The Indian Council of Agricultural Research has sanctioned a Centre of Advanced Faculty Training in Horticulture (Vegetables) considering the significant contribution and modern infrastructure available in the department. Under Centre of Advanced Faculty Training in Horticulture (Vegetables) since 1995, the department has conducted 32 advanced trainings of three weeks duration on important themes for the faculty/scientists of various SAUs and ICAR institutes across the country. The centre will continue to function considering the faculty competence and contribution made by the department in the field of vegetable research and development.

  • Four students had qualified ICAR- Senior Research Fellowship Examination and Twenty three students qualified ICAR- NET Examination since 2018.
  • Dr Reena Kumari awarded with Uma Datt Mamgain Memorial Research Award 2020 for best Ph.D. Thesis by Society for the Advancement of Human and Nature (SADHNA).
  • Shivnand D. Ainapur, M.Sc. Student of Department has conquered first position in the country in ICAR- Senior Research Fellowship Examination during the year 2021.
  • Dr Sudheer Kumar Annepu has been awarded Uma Datt Mamgain Memorial Research Award 2021 from Society for the Advancement of Human and Nature (SADHNA) for best Ph.D. Thesis.
  • Faculty and students of Department received four awards (oral and poster presentation) in Golden Jubilee Symposium on “New opportunities in vegetable production for sustainable development” organized by Indian Institute of Vegetable Research (IIVR) w.e.f. December 20-22, 2023.

ELP students practicing hybridization in Cauliflower

Tomato + French bean relay cropping


Thrust Areas

  • Standardization of agro-techniques for the cultivation of vegetable crops in different agroclimatic zones of Himachal Pradesh.
  • Development of superior hybrids and varieties of commercial vegetables
  • Standardization of techniques and hybrids/varieties for protected cultivation of vegetables.
  • Quality seed production of vegetables including temperate varieties.
  • Diversifying traditional vegetable production with rare/exotic vegetables, spice crops and underutilized vegetables for more income generation.
  • Developing package of practices for vegetable cultivation based on organic and natural farming systems.
  • All India Coordinated Research Project on Vegetable Crops (ACRIP-VC) funded by ICAR
  • All India Coordinated Research Project on Spices (ACRIP-S) funded by ICAR  
  • Centre of Advanced Faculty Training in Horticulture (Vegetables) funded by ICAR
  • Testing of Vegetable Hybrids and Agronomical Products of Private Sector funded by Multinational/ National Seed Companies
  • Consortium Research Platform on Hybrid Crops- Cauliflower funded by ICAR
  • Iron and zinc bio-fortification of cereals and vegetables for enhancing micronutrient bioavailability in soil-plant system funded by DBT, GOI
  • Developed 9 production and 12 protection technologies on vegetable crops which are widely accepted by the vegetable growers of H.P.
  • Collected, evaluated and maintained a total of 553 germplasm of several vegetable crops.
  • A total of 232 research trials related to varietal/hybrid evaluation, seed production, stress and disease resistance were successfully conducted on fourteen vegetables crops under AICRP (VC).
  • Twenty Seven genotypes/breeding lines identified in AICRP (VC) have been registered with NBPGR, New Delhi.
  • Developed superior and high yielding varieties of different vegetables suitable for cultivation in the state such as carrot (Solan Rachna), Lettuce (Solan Kriti), Cucumber (Solan Srijan), red cabbage (Kinner Red) and Solan Giriganga of ginger etc.
  • Standardized various technologies for growing of coloured capsicum, cucumber and tomato under protected conditions.
  • Introduced new crops like Broccoli, Asparagus, Leek, Parsley, Swiss Chard, Rubarb, Cherry Tomato, Red and Yellow Capsicum, Red cabbage, Chinese Sarson, Oriental Mustard, Pak Choi and Lettuce for crop diversification .
  • Scientists of Department have published more than 46 publications in National and International reputed Journals.

    Cucumber cv. Solan Srijan

    An open pollinated variety, fruits cylindrical, crispy, green in colour, 18-22 cm in length having average fruit weight of 255-265g, ready for harvest in 55-60 days after sowing. Average marketable fruit yield  200-225q/ha and found resistant  against fruit fly attack.

    Ginger cv. Solan Giriganga

    Developed through clonal selection from local germplasm of trans-Giri area of Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh. The rhizomes of this variety are plumpy and bold having yield potential of 180-190 q/ha. Variety is suitable for cultivation in mid and foot hills of Western and Eastern Himalayan Regions and Lower Gangetic Plain Region of India.

    Carrot cv. Solan Rachana

    This is an European carrot having long attractive, smooth, orange cylindrical roots, self coloured core and rich in β-carotene (15mg/g). and has a yield potential of 225-250q/ha. It is suitable for growing across all the zones of HP as well as in other hilly states.

    Leaf Lettuce cv. Solan Kriti

    It is a non-heading cultivar having long, soft & dark green leaves, rich in beta-carotene contents (5.59 µg/100g), iron (1.63 mg/100g) and calcium (58.07mg/100g). Suitable for cultivation in zones II and III of Himachal Pradesh, it takes about 72 days to first harvest and yield potential of 248 q/ha under open field conditions.


To disseminate latest vegetable production techniques on commercial crop cultivation, protected cultivation, hi-tech nursery raising, hybrid seed production etc. for better adoption among farmers in the field and enhance income of farmers, stakeholders and entrepreneurs.

Extension Activities

  • Since 2018, twenty trainings to farmers has been organised under All India Coordinated Research Project on Vegetable Crops and Spices in different districts of Himachal Pradesh including tribal region of Spiti, Kinnaur and Bharmour. In these trainings around 1100 farmers have gained technical knowledge.
  • Under AICRP-TSP component, more than1700 farm families have been trained by organising 26  training /demonstration in farmers field of tribal district of H.P.
  • The scientists have delivered more than 200 lectures and conducted practical demonstrations in different training programmes along with 12 Radio/Television talks on different aspects of scientific vegetable cultivation.
  • Providing benefits to the farmers by means of transfer of technology, mobile advisory etc.

Visit to Gujarati Farmers to Vegetable Research Farm

Best AICRP(Vegetable Crops) Center 2022 Conferred on Department of Vegetable Science


  • Best AICRP (Vegetable Crops) Centre Award – 2022 By ICAR
  • Dr RK Bhardwaj received Best Poster Award in National Golden Jubilee Symposium of AICRP-VC held at ICAR-IIVR, Varanasi, UP in Dec, 2022.
  • Dr Meenu Gupta received Best poster award in 7th International Conference on “Phytopathology in achieving UN sustainable Development Goals” of Indian Phytopathological Society, New Delhi, held at IARI, New Delhi (January 16-20, 2020).
  • Dr RK Bhardwaj Best Poster Award in Vegetable Science Congress held at Agriculture- University, Jodhpur and organized by ISVS-Varanasi, ICAR-New Delhi and SIDA- Rajasthan in 2019.
  • Dr Ramesh Kumar was awarded Fellow of Vegetable Science for remarkable services in the field of vegetable science for the welfare of professional, students and farming community in XXXVII Group Meeting of AICRP on Vegetable Crops, by ISVS at TANU, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu w.e.f. 22-25.06.2019.
  • Dr Ramesh Kumar was awarded with DAAD Fellowship under “Integrated Environmental Engineering” programme availed Post Doctorate Fellowship from The Federal Government of Germany conferred DAAD (German Academic Exchange Programme) fellowship at the Institute of Organic Agriculture, University of Bonn, Germany in 2004-2005.
  • Dr Devinder Kumar Mehta has been nominated as Founder Fellow of ISHA Award by Indian Society of Hill Agriculture, HC, GBPUAT, Ranichauri, UK.


  • Well qualified faculty is available which is effectively carrying out various teaching, research and extension activities.
  • An experimental farm of 3.5 ha area is available having 7 well maintained polyhouses, 3 net houses and 1 glasshouse to carry out various research activities.
  • Field demonstration block on exotic vegetables at farm is available for training and demonstration purpose.
  • Nursery raising facilities are available in vegetable farm.
  • A well equipped laboratory is available to carry out quality analysis of vegetables and other research work.
  • A well furnished training hall is available for conducting faculty training under Centre of Advanced Faculty Training in Horticulture (Vegetables).
  • Farmer consultancy service for farmers on vegetable production.